Welcome to Family

Mike & Jodi Labun


Hometown: We were both born and have lived the majority of our lives in Winnipeg. In 2018 God (loudly!) told Mike that to grow in pastoring, we had to move out West.  In 2019 we left Winnipeg.
As we drove away, it occurred to us that now we'd sold everything to follow Jesus - we were truly free. So, from now on, as far as we're concerned, our citizenship is in heaven!

What we do: Jodi's a connector.  She was a generations pastor in Winnipeg and right now she's comforting and giving guidance to grieving families at a funeral home. Mike's a former corporate trainer in communication and leadership skills, which makes him a teacher / facilitator: his intention is to support leaders @ Abby Vine.

Best part of our jobs:  Jesus loves his Bride, and we do too! Whether as parents or pastors, we have loved being part of The Great Courtship. While God's in all creation, we anticipate The Bride will continue to be his main thing, so we're excited to part of the healing, bonding, teaching & mobilizing of His Blushing One.

A few of our favourite things: We made a list because we like a lot of things...

  • Her homemade chai tea
  • Hiking (Jodi is always dragging out whomever will go with her)
  • Travelling (when we can afford it)

  • Almond milk lattes
  • Music & acting
  • Discovering interesting statistics (and when Mike grows up, he wants to be a coder)

  • Our kids
  • Eating healthy (we actually do like this... I know, eh?)
  • The idea of exploring the Lower Mainland with Abby folks!