Welcome to Family


Our Mission Statement

Our mission is simple:
Loving God. Loving People.

Our Core Values

How we fulfill our mission.

It's about Jesus

The beginning, middle, and end of who we are as individuals and a community is Jesus. He is why we exist and who we love. We believe that His character, the extravagance of His love, and the story of redemption and restoration He is writing in our hearts, in this city, and in all nations, should be the foundation and motivation for all that we are and do. The gospel is centre, and all we are and accomplish is by His power, love, and truth at work in us.

Passionate Worship

Worship is the DNA of who we are. We believe that we were designed to worship and to meet with God, our Father and Savior, with intimacy and passion. We believe that the act of worship draws us closer to the heart of God and reveals to us His character and deep love for us. We believe that fixing our eyes on Jesus, individually and corporately – in the midst of both the joys and heartbreaks of life – realigns our hearts to His goodness and hope, that worship and prayer are some of the most powerful places where the Lord renews and equips us for the things He’s called us to and, that worship is a lifestyle that moves beyond our corporate gatherings on Sundays and overflows into the ways we live our everyday lives.


The story of God’s love for us is the greatest story of generosity the world will ever know, and therefore, as a community seeking to live out this love to those around us, we want to honour God with everything He has given us – our time, gifts, resources, and finances. As individuals and families we want to cultivate lifestyles of sacrificial giving, knowing that all we have and are and do, is because of God’s grace and generosity to us.

The Foundations of Scripture & Prayer

We believe that the Bible is the written story of God’s love, the final authority for all matters regarding faith and conduct, and one of the greatest gifts God has given us. The Bible is not outdated history, but rather a living story that reveals to us the heart of God and teaches us how to live our lives in a way that honours Him. We want to be a community rooted in His Word and in prayer, a people who know and celebrate His story, and a people who anchor ourselves in an active relationship with the living God through prayer.

Authentic Community

We believe that the work of God in our lives and in our community extends far beyond the four-walls of a building or a corporate gathering. We believe that as image-bearers of a God who exists in community, we were made for relationships and we – as individuals, couples, and families – need each other. And, we believe that we best discover who God is, who we are, and what we were made for in the context of community focused on Jesus. We are a collection of diverse and broken people being put back together by the grace and love of God. We come from a variety of backgrounds and stories and places and we believe that the breadth of these stories matter. Community, as a collection of imperfect people, is messy and challenging, but at its core breaks past the individualism of our culture and says that you have a place here: a place where you can be to be real and authentic and to invest and love and do life – with all of its twists and turns and challenges – alongside us. We want to seek, savior, and serve Jesus together.

Walking in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

We believe that God is living and active and involved in our lives today, that the Holy Spirit speaks to us and fills us with His power, and that God heals, restores, and moves in miraculous ways. While God doesn’t always choose to heal, we continue to pray for healing; while He doesn’t always work the miracles we ask for, we continue to humble our hearts and ask for miracles, believing that God, in his goodness and sovereignty, can work in us and through us more powerfully than we can imagine.

An Outward-Focused Lifestyle of Mission

As men and women captivated by the love God has for us, we believe that we can be nothing less than outward focused. We believe that to love God well is to love our neighbour, and to love our neighbour well is to love God. The two simply can’t be separated. Mission is the natural overflow of the love that Jesus has given us. To live a lifestyle of mission is to put actions to what we believe: to stand for mercy and justice, to love the lost, to care for the orphan and the widow, to serve our neighbours and love our city, and to labor with love in the arenas of society and for the renewal of all things. We believe that God’s plan unfolds in our ordinary lives and across the globe and that we, as members of his church and filled with his power in us, have the joy and responsibility to be a part of God’s mission and the work of the local and global church in all the places where He leads us.